In more prosperous times, when work (and income) was more secure, people just patiently put up with the drudgery of work. However, nowadays work tends to be very demanding and stressful. People are forced to do more with less, and due to the global nature of our work, the email Inbox almost always has more than what we can possibly handle. Employees are struggling to keep up and almost never happy about the quantity of work that they have to handle.
For a while large corporations used overload and pressure as a necessary price to be paid for being gainfully employed. But lately, as the economy is starting to turn around, a lot of the employees have little patience for such relentless drudgery. They are seeking ways to rebel against these corporations and leaving the workplace in droves. And now, suddenly there are a lot of books about work and happiness in the marketplace. Increasing happiness amongst employees, something that was unthinkable just a few years back, has become a strategy for management to retail talent. There are two books on this topic that I would strongly recommend. The first one is about the technique and strategy for an individual to develop to attain happiness and the second one is for the large company to retain its employees in the workforce.
Happiness at Work by Srikumar S. Rao

In this book the author talks about some very basic shift in ones thinking to gain happiness at work.
- Do not "label" anything as inherently "good" or "bad" but accept it as is.
- Focus on the process and not the outcome.
- Attach yourself to a larger purpose and do not be obsessed with power, money or other "me-centered" metrics of success.
- Take a detached view on your own life, and do not get emotionally entwined with what is happening to you.
The other interesting book is titled "Delivering Happinnes"

This book talks about a company that tries to increase happiness amongst its employees as a way to retain and develop talent. Tony Hseigh also (like Srikumar Rao) mentions that it is important to think and attach oneself to something that is bigger than self or the company to derive happiness.
The three core areas of focus for his company named Zappos are: Brand (or customer happiness), Culture (workplace as a place of fun for employees) and Pipeline (career and personal happiness).
I would strongly recommend that you read these two books if you get the chance.